Construction supervision is responsible for the efficient use of labor, machines, and materials by their crews. Supervisors report to site superintendents, who are responsible for the efficiency of all the crews on a construction job. Supervisors plan and schedule work and keep records of the materials used and the progress made on the job. These records are included in the supervisor's reports to the superintendent.

Supervisors also report on such things as personnel, costs, and safety. Supervisors must see that safety rules are followed. Supervisors also communicate company rules and policies to the workers. Supervisors should follow contracts, regulations, codes, and procedures. They conduct different management activities. Interpretation of drawings, implementation of specifications, review of shop drawings, approval of material and equipment samples, authorization of changes approved by the client, and full time or periodic on-site representation are an indispensible part of their responsibility.



Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)



Global Positioning Syetems (GPS)

Global Positioning Syetems (GPS)



Landscape & Design

Landscape & Design